Friday, September 26, 2008

Barefoot Books Offers Free Shipping September 27th - 30th

I am pleased to announce that Barefoot Books is offering Free Shipping on all orders from Saturday, September 27th through Tuesday, September 30th.

I hope you will explore the wonderful new Fall products. This is a great opportunity to stock up on birthday gifts or even do some early holiday shopping!

Simply click here and enter Special Offer Code SCSHS8 at checkout... And please share with your friends!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to School Announcement

I hope your school year has gotten off to a great start!

As we put the beach gear away and turn our attention back to academics, I have made an exciting business decision.

Effective immediately, I will be able to offer my customers Usborne Books. While the beautiful art and story of Barefoot Books will remain the primary focus of my business, Usborne will supplement my offerings with non-fiction and reference books.

For many years, Usborne Books have had their own place in our home library; filling my boys' needs for science books, foreign language picture dictionaries, activity books, and atlases. I have also had customers ask for math, flashcards, textured board books, more princesses, and crafts. Therefore it seems quite natural to be able to offer these items myself. I am proud to now be providing a broader range of materials to help you meet your children's educational needs. And while I am a lover of literature and the printed word, I feel that the Internet Link aspect of many of the Usborne books adds an important dimension to the learning experience of a young researcher. The two companies really complement each other very well.

My e-commerce site for Usborne is as follows:

I hope you will spend some time browsing the online catalog and PLEASE share with your friends.

To place an order, please join into my web launch eShow by clicking on My Business Launch eShow will run through midnight on December 5th - perfect for your holiday needs. (this eShow will help me track my sales and gauge the success of an Usborne side to things)

Tips to Maximize your dollar:

With the holidays right around the corner, you may also consider signing on as a consultant. The sign up offer for September is wonderful: for $35 and free shipping, you get $99 worth of books, a 6 month e-commerce site, and an entry into the lottery for a trip to Rome! It doesn't need to be a "business". You can purchase for your holiday gift giving needs, share the discount with family, and get a discount/commission as well!

Keep in mind that Barefoot offers an affiliate program too... it's FREE and no starter pack purchase is required. You can immediately start buying the books you want for a discount and put a free banner ad on any website to earn commission on web sales!

Alternatively, you can also just earn free books, from either company, by hosting an event. Feel free to call or email me with any questions.

More on Barefoot in an upcoming newsletter! In the meantime, please consider Usborne for your non-fiction needs!

Thank you again for your continued support,

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years Later...

As most Americans today, I am devoting much of my thoughts to remembering the horrifying events of September 11th, 2001.

While I don't pretend to have anything to compare with the thousands of lives that were shattered, my own story that day shaped my parenting. My husband and I were sitting in a Gold Coast McDonalds, early for a 39 week ultrasound during my first pregnancy. The TV was on CNN and as we sat down with our orange juice (hoping to get the baby wiggling with a sugar high - it all seemed so exciting, in an ordinary sort of way), the news suddenly cut to live images of the burning North Tower. We watched flight 175 hit the South Tower: any remaining mystery about the event was dissolved and we walked silently disturbed onto the doctor's appointment. Baby was fine, ready for delivery in a week (which became 11 days), but the worry had started to creep in... what was happening to our world that day? My husband and I decided to skip work and just head home. The South Tower fell as we drove and we watched the North Tower go down when we arrived home to more TV coverage. What sort of world was I bringing this baby into? Could I somehow keep him inside until we were sure? My heart was broken thinking of the victims and their families. I ached deeply for all the mothers.
(of course, that only begins to describe my feelings that day, but I'll just leave it there - my words could never honor our victims and heroes sufficiently.)

Seven years later, my heart still aches for those directly effected and I still worry. We are still unsure and nothing is significantly safer. We are still at war... a war that hasn't advanced the purpose of making us safer. And there really isn't anything that the average American can do about it. Is there?

In 2001, we stocked bottled water and prepared emergency kits. We bought duct tape (why did we buy duct tape?). In 2003, we believed our president when he had Colin Powell present us with faulty intelligence about Iraq. In 2004, to make a long story short, we botched our election. 2008, perhaps our only course of action as average Americans is to vote for a new administration that we can only hope might make a change.

But this is not a political blog. My purpose and thoughts lay with our children and the kind of world we are shaping for their future. The things we can do on a grass-roots level.

We can teach them about our world and other cultures, teach them not to hate. Instill in them a sense of honor and pride in our country and a respect for other nations as well. We need to remember that political views, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, color and gender do not make someone more or less worthy of our respect and consideration. Teach them how lucky we are to be Americans and to have the freedom of expression that so many others don't have; yet so many of us take for granted.

Today, and everyday, I will teach my children about Tolerance. Be kind to each other. It probably won't effect our national security, but I am hoping that common, everyday Good Deeds will make a difference somewhere.