Thursday, November 13, 2008

A bit about what I do with Barefoot Books... and a Special Offer

Here is the latest in a series of promotions that I am bringing to you from Barefoot Books, leading up to the holidays. This week, when you purchase 3 books, you can choose a 4th book for free!

This promotion also highlights the Stallholder/Affiliate Program. As Stallholders, Living Barefoot is a Whole Life thing. It's not that our work consumes us; quite the opposite. It's that our work blends into our life in a very organic way. We love literature and we love reading to children. We value the community and we value the planet. Selling Barefoot Books comes pretty naturally because they are the books that we carry in our tote bags and keep in the car. Our children/grandchildren tell their teachers that Port Side Pirates is their favorite song and they bring a Folkmanis puppet in for show and tell. We each have our own definition of Living Barefoot and Barefoot Books give us the flexibility to share the books in a way that fits into our lives. For some of us, that means simply passing the catalog around at work or the playgroup. For others that means online marketing, home parties, open air markets, school fundraisers/book fairs, or larger expos.

I hope that you will enjoy this special offer and share it with your friends. If you have any questions about the Affiliate Program, please feel free to contact me anytime.

Living Barefoot Buy 3, 4th Free Banner 125x125 U.S.

This offer is valid through November 18th, 2008.
Happy Reading!

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